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A Guide to Counting Calories

counting calories super health center

A Guide to Counting Calories

Counting calories is a very important part of weight management. It doesn’t matter if fat loss or muscle gain is the primary goal if you want to improve the way you look, proper calorie intake is critical.

For the most part, people are unsure of how many calories they need to attain their goals. To help solve that problem, here are a couple of formulas to help you determine your proper caloric intake and begin counting calories. All you need is a little high school math.

The first formula helps determine your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR).

Counting Calories: Determine Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR).

Your BMR is the amount of calories that you burn while at rest, and is the minimum amount of calories required to perform the necessary functions of life.

For women, the formula is:

655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) – (4.7 x age) = BMR

For men, the formula is:

66 + (6.23 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) – (6.8 x age) = BMR

To figure out the formula, do what is in parentheses first, then follow the formula from left to right.

Example: 130 pound woman, 5 foot 6 inches tall, 30 years old

655 + (4.35 x 130) + (4.7 x 66) – (4.7 x 30)

655 + (565.5) + (310.2) – (141) = 1389.7

So the woman in this example would need 1389.7 calories per day, just to survive. This next formula complements the BMR formula and gives a more accurate calorie intake level based on physical activity. This is known as the Harris Benedict Formula and to do this one, the BMR should already have been determined.

Counting Calories: Apply the Harris-Benedict Formula

For a sedentary person (someone who doesn’t work out or have a physically demanding job):

BMR x 1.2 = calorie level

For someone who is lightly active (works out one to three days per week):

BMR x 1.375 = calorie level

A moderately active person (exercises between 3 to 5 days per week):

BMR x 1.55 = calorie level

A very active person (exercises 6 to 7 days per week):

BMR x 1.725 = calorie level

An extra active person (physically demanding job, plus exercise on a regular basis):

BMR x 1.9 = calorie level

You need to be honest when calculating the Harris-Benedict Formula. Don’t consider yourself moderately active if you worked out three times in one week, but that was two months ago. What’s stopping you from working out more often? If you want to exercise more, but don’t feel like you have the right clothing, for example, you could always look online for some new fitness gear – and maybe even see if there is an adidas promo code available for you to use and save some money.

With these two formulas at hand, you can now determine what your daily caloric intake should be. With this information, your health and fitness goals should be easier to reach, but as with any nutrition plan, you must have the desire and the discipline to succeed.

Counting Calories: Set a Regressive Goal

Once you know the total calories you expend in a day–target around 500 calories less than that per day to begin weight loss. Any more than that and your body will adjust your metabolism super low because it will believe you’re starving and you’ll lose less and more slowly.

When you lose around 5% of your body weight, drop an additional 50-100 calories a day to keep losing weight and avoiding a plateau. Your body will adapt slowly to decreased caloric intake and by staying ahead of the adaptation, you’ll perpetuate weight loss. Eating healthy is a sure-fire way of achieving your weight loss goals. Counting calories can be hard for people who haven’t paid attention before to what they were consuming, it takes some getting used to, they can go for a food home delivery service who will prepare and put together specific meals that you have requested to help facilitate your weight loss. Comparing the services like marley spoon vs home chef will show you which one would suit you best with dietary and weight loss needs.

Counting Calories: Supplement Naturally to Lose Weight Faster

Weight loss can be a slow journey. But it will happen if you’re committed to counting calories and stick to it. Often it can take a year or more to lose 50 pounds. Sticking to diets for that long is why many people aren’t successful. They give up too soon.

Arm yourself in the battle of the bulge with natural supplements and ingredients backed by science. Super Health Center carries one in particular that tackles multiple causes of weight gain. It burns up to 357 calories per day, blocks carbs, and burns fat to expedite your weight loss. If you only need to burn an extra 500 calories a day, CapsiLean does nearly all the work for you. Check it out now.


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What is Dextrose?


What is Dextrose?

Dextrose is a type of sugar.

When rating the speed at which carbohydrates enter the bloodstream we give them a score against the Glycemic Index (GI).

The higher the GI the faster the carbohydrate enters the system.

Carbohydrates enter the blood stream as glucose and have to be either burned as fuel for energy, stored in muscle cells as glycogen or stored in fat cells as triglycerides.

As the glucose is in the blood stream the body stimulates the release of a carrier hormone insulin, which essentially, takes the glucose from the blood and determines where it is to be deposited.

Dextrose has a very high GI meaning that it enters our system extremely fast and so stimulates a high insulin response very quickly.

Insulin is a very anabolic hormone as it takes not only glucose to muscle cells, but proteins, amino acids and other essential nutrients such as creatine and glutamine.


Insulin, when controlled optimally can be very beneficial, however when not primed or excreted in abundance we find problems arising such as body fat accumulation, hypoglycemia or even in extreme cases diabetes.

At most times it is wise to use slow releasing, low glycemic, high fiber foods in order to control blood sugar and insulin output optimally. However there are certain times of day when using a high amount of dextrose can be of possible benefit.

When testing for blood sugar disorders, dextrose is often used at a dose of around 75g, and blood sugar levels checked every 15 minutes or so.

Insulin will remove the dextrose from the blood stream and a consequent drop in blood sugar will follow leading to possible physiological changes as light headedness, hunger, weakness, possibly leading to the consumption of further carbohydrates.

This being a vicious circle some find themselves in, spiraling into further and further weight gain when using high glycemic carbs, like dextrose, at inappropriate times.

But, since it is a refined, man-made carbohydrate its use should be limited as the body has no natural means of processing it properly and consistent use, or misuse, is what eventually leads to these degenerative diseases such as diabetes.

That is why nutrient timing is so important.


Dextrose, used effectively, should be in a dose of around 50 – 75g, for optimal insulin output, often mixed with creatine and glutamine, taken immediately post-workout or first thing in the morning when blood sugar levels are naturally quite low.

Using dextrose in these amounts and at these times can optimize the amount of protein, creatine and other nutrients entering the muscle cell while also elevating insulin levels nicely. Often we see insulin sensitizers or glucose disposal agents such as Alpha Lipoic Acid and D-Pinnotol used for this purpose.

It is generally people who exercise regularly who may benefit from the use of Dextrose at appropriate times. For the average person dextrose is typically useless and should not be regarded as a direct energy booster or energy supplement.

There are 4 calories for every 1g of dextrose. It can be a very sweet tasting but not quite as sweet as regular sugar. For this reason it can often be much more palatable to drink 75g of dextrose than regular table sugar.

Ready to up your post-training game? Super Health Center has dextrose, or more conveniently, Post-workout supplements with the right combination of ingredients to help you achieve your training goals. Stop by the shop and pick yours up today.

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Eating Fat Helps You Lose Weight

fat helps you lose weight

Eating Fat Helps You Lose Weight

Get Fit on Fat?

Sigh… the irony of fat intake to foster fat burning-it seems a mystery to make clear the implications of some supplements’ effectiveness at fat burning. Eating fat helps you lose weight?

Being on a fat burning mission can be tedious. A lot of the process can be trial and error and trying to find what’s best for you. Many turn to surgery when conventional methods don’t work, like liposuction and fat-dissolving injections, either for your stomach or somewhere like your chin, offered by surgeries like Victorian Cosmetic Institute. Furthermore, you might feel like skipping this one tip thinking, ‘Im not taking in MORE fat to LOSE fat’ because it makes no sense.

But this is not the fat you see left in the skillet at Cracker Barrel, or sizzling in the vats at Wendy’s-it the fatty acids in fish oil.

Fatty Acids in Fish Oil Burn Fat

Typically associated with improving heart health, and vascular and cholesterol conditions, it’s added benefit of improving fat loss is just another reason to invest in the oil, compliments of the fish.

Fish oil is notorious for its ability to lower triglycerides (fatty acids in the blood), and improve cholesterol levels, but the movement of triglycerides is just the first step in a desirable process for fit conscious people; fat oxidation.

A little background on fats; fat storage occurs through digesting fats, conversion of fats to fatty acids, and storage in the form of triglycerides.

Fish oil affects triglycerides, which are stored fat.

Once called into play, the triglycerides are reduced to glycerol, and fatty acids.

The fatty acids are taken to the mitochondria, or fuel station of the cell, where they are oxidized to create adenosine triphosphate-ATP or energy.

Thus, the process and association of fish oil intake and fat burning. So while the old technology term ‘garbage in, garbage out’ doesn’t typically apply as we would like in dieting, it seems to apply here; fat in, fat out. Thanks, fish.
Looking to fuel your fat loss with fish oil? Quality matters. Stop by the shop for hand-selected high-quality options now.

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Dieting for Your Body Type: Ectomorph, Endomorph, Mesomorph

dieting for body type ectomorph endomorph mesomorph

Dieting for Your Body Type: Ectomorph, Endomorph, Mesomorph

Dieting can be a tricky task. With the overabundance of information out there, sometimes it’s hard to know what will and will not work for you. Trial and error is a slow process, and can lead to a lot of frustration. Here is one bit of advice that may make your physical fitness goals a little easier to attain. It’s the importance of knowing what your body type is. No, I don’t mean the generic “skinny,” “thin” or “fat” terms. This one is a little more scientific–are you an ectomorph, endomorph or mesomorph?

dieting for body type ectomorph endomorph mesomorph

Dieting For Your Body Type: Ectomorph

First off, we have the ectomorph. An ectomorph is the classic hardgainer. Their traits include:
• A small bone structure
• Small shoulders
• Very fast metabolism
• Hard for them to gain weight

For an ectomorph to build muscle and gain weight, they need to consume a lot of calories. I don’t mean bags of potato chips and french fries, although they can typically get away with eating these foods better than the other body types.

An ectomorph needs to focus on consuming plenty of quality calories from nutrient dense foods in order to build muscle. They may also want to consider products from enhancedpeptides and similar sites if they are looking to build heavy muscle.

Cardio training should be very limited, as this burns up precious calories that could be used for muscle building.

Dieting For Your Body Type: Mesomorph

The next body type is the mesomorph. These are the people everyone loves to hate. Their traits include:
• An athletic build with well-defined muscles
• Gain muscle very easily
• Lose fat relatively easy
• Generally naturally strong individuals

The mesomorph has a relatively easy time adding muscle mass, especially as a beginner.

While fat gain is usually not a problem for an active mesomorph, they will add body fat faster than an ectomorph.

Generally a combination of cardio and weight training will produce fantastic results for the mesomorph.

Dieting For Your Body Type: Endomorph

The last category is the endomorph. An endomorph may appear to be built well, but they are often soft and gain fat easily. Their traits include:
• Gain muscle and fat easily
• Generally have a round physique
• Slow metabolism
• Find it difficult to lose body fat

Endomorphs usually have strong muscles, but they are often covered over by excess body fat.

Cardio training is an absolute must to keep body fat from getting out of hand, as is avoiding unhealthy food choices.

So there is a little bit of background info on the three major body types.

While a lot of individuals will fall directly into one of these classes, many more people exhibit the traits of two classes, such as an endo-mesomorph. Be honest with yourself when determining your body type. It can make a huge difference in attaining your health and fitness goals. Once you know your body type, eat and train for your type to produce the best results.

Know your body type? Stop by the shop today and customize your cart for your best results.


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What is the HCG Diet?

hcg diet

What is the HCG Diet?

There’s yet another diet on the market feeding the fat busting frenzy of the promise of fast fat loss; the HCG diet. The HCG diet’s unique and brazen incorporation of endocrinology, physiology and restrictive intake is renowned as revolutionary; a diet utilizing a naturally occurring hormone within the body—well, natural to those people who are pregnant, to be precise.

But does it work?

Human Chorionic Gonatropin (HCG)

This diet is based upon the physiological function of the hormone Human Chorionic Gonatropin (HCG) in gestating women and the impact that it has on the body, specifically on the fat stores within the body.

It has been suggested through scientific observation that HCG in a pregnant woman is a defensive measure the body takes to move fat stores into circulation for fetal growth in an effort to spare fetal development in women that are unaware they are pregnant.

Needless to say, this natural defense mechanism was most effectively utilized in times lacking the pregnancy tests used today; in this era it wasn’t atypical for a woman to be ignorant of her expectant state for the first trimester.

Under normal awareness of pregnancy, a woman will increase her caloric intake to sustain the growing fetus’ nutrient and energy needs; in the absence of this increase, HCG will stimulate a mobilization of fat stores to provide energy needs for the fetus, allowing for the possibility of insufficient maternal intake without affecting the growth and development of the fetus.

HCG Diet Basics

So how does it work and what do you have to do to benefit from this double edged diet?

The protocol is cyclic, meaning that you go to a doctor, get the prescription for HCG, you take a shot the first three days without dieting. On the third day you restrict your caloric intake to 500 calories a day. This is only possible through the suppression of hunger effected by the HCG. This restriction lasts around 30 days. The principle behind this is that the caloric restriction will aid in the HCG mobilization of fat stores to be utilized for fuel (or the perceived fetus). The weight loss has been reported to be up to 40 lbs.

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see why this diet is effective: 500 calories a day for a month is extremely restrictive. It’s completely your choice if you want to try this diet, but instead of getting the HCG shot at the doctors, why don’t you try buying it yourself? Getting it done at the doctors can cost a lot more than purchasing it off IHCG Injections Website.

It is definitely a more extreme method to lose weight, but there’s no denying it works.

Lose Weight Naturally and Keep it Off

It might take a little longer, but it will stay off if you lose weight the right way–especially when ingredients are scientifically supported. Super Health Center carries an extremely effective supplement called CapsiLean. With ingredients shown to burn calories, block carbs and burn fat–you can change the way your body responds to food and fat and get back in those jeans. Stop by the shop to check it out.


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Recurrent Hormone Induced Yeast Infection

yeast infection

Recurrent Hormone Induced Yeast Infection

Here we go again. The itchy, scratchy intro, the squirming, the dampness that makes it overwhelmingly distracting; all you can think about is scratching that implacable itch.

The onset of a yeast infection never makes a subtle entrance, but more of a Kramer on Seinfeld kind of bust through the door (or seat of your pants) entrance; attention grabbing, dramatic, and impossible to ignore. Not again, you think. I just went through this last month! What is causing this yeast infection to happen again and again?

Candida/Yeast is present in everyone’s body, even men’s, and doesn’t cause any symptoms at all at normal levels.

Yeast infections are an overgrowth of the fungus, candida, within the vaginal canal and are also referred to as candidiasis. Candida fungal infections can also cause various issues around the toenails that may need medical attention from doctors and podiatrists to rectify – Laser Toenail Fungus Treatment is one of the latest methods for dealing with the problem

Yeast infections are a common condition afflicting many women for various reasons.

Antibiotics, diet, and hormones rank as the top few invites to this comfort cramper, opening the door to this fervently fertile fungus for its no-holds-barred disruption of your day.

The most unnerving cause is related to hormones, occurring as often as monthly in hand in hand with your menstrual cycle (because having your period, cramps, and bloating isn’t enough), and the frequency of this type of yeast infection increases as women age as a result of fluctuating hormone levels that accompany menopause.

Estrogen levels continually rise, to encourage endometrial proliferation (or thickening of the uterine lining) for pregnancy, peaking at or around day 14 when you ovulate.

Estrogen levels fall after realizing there was no fertilization of an egg to induce menstruation and shed the lining of the uterus that is no longer needed for an egg to implant.

When menopause begins, at a very leisurely and inconsistent gait mind you, the estrogen levels that normally decrease at the start of your period remain at higher levels, inhibiting your cycle. These hormonal changes can cause a lot of different symptoms that cause discomfort but you can try using cbd oil for the menopause to help relieve these. Anyway, this sustained estrogen increase fosters a moist vaginal environment which is exactly the kind of party candida prefers.

When women are put on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) in the form of estrogen to offset falling levels and the hot flashes, headaches, and monstrous mood swings that accompany it, sometimes the body cannot suppress it well enough to maintain the expected fluctuation in environment that would otherwise keep yeast low key.

So, now you’re thinking, well, I’m menopausal, I need the estrogen my Dr. prescribes, but I can’t take this anymore.

You’re right, you do, and for the most part your body will adjust its rhythm to this new tune your hormones are singing, but in the meantime there are natural approaches to lowering your estrogen levels without coming off of your HRT, that you can take monthly to simulate the effect decreased estrogen has on your vaginal canal and prevent the yeast stampede.

One reputable supplement is Diindolylmethane, or DIM, that is effective at lowering estrogen levels in the body. There’s good estrogen, and bad estrogen, and they both affect individuals differently.

The bad estrogen, or 16 and 4 hydroxy-estrogens, contributes to the overgrowth of yeast seen with infections.

DIM effectively suppresses the bad ones and encourages levels of the good ones or 2 hydroxy estrogens. This product has more benefits than just preventing yeast infections, so you may consider taking it daily as both forms of bad estrogen are carcinogenic, and women with higher levels these two types have an increased risk for breast cancer.

Another approach is taking I3C Indole-3-Carbinol, which promotes the metabolism of excess estrogen.

This process lowers high estrogen levels that contribute to a number of problems in both men and women, such as increased fat content, and loss of muscle. This product also increases the immune system, aiding in your fight against the fungus.

There is always the undisputed acidophilus and its undefeated reign over candida overgrowth, these pills are inexpensive and most effective in a combination treatment with I3C, or DIM.

Prevent Recurrent Yeast Infections Naturally

Stop by our shop. We have all of these naturally proven remedies available, as well as in-depth product info to help guide you to your choice of supplement to fend off the funky fungal infection that has you running to the doctor, using messy creams, and waiting for them to work.

Be proactive in preventing candida from crashing your party, because it’s a tough and discomfortingly resistant guest to get rid of. Shop now.

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Bariatric Surgery: Ketosis

bariatric surgery ketosis

Bariatric Surgery: Ketosis

Bariatric surgery success results in dramatic size altering, and life altering changes in health and diet. It is a final option in some people’s battle against obesity. It can be a life-saving procedure that comes with a slew of health benefits. However, there are some things to consider after surgery. Most commonly: ketosis.

Ketosis After Bariatric Surgery

Following Bariatric surgery, patients experience a substantial amount of weight loss, and with adherence to strict dietary guidelines to avoid muscle loss, it is primarily comprised of adipose tissue, or fat.

The process by which fat is oxidized, or burned as fuel, is an important basis upon which to develop an understanding of possible side effects of this desired outcome.

During high rates of fatty acid oxidation following bariatric surgery, a large amount of acetone is generated as a byproduct of this metabolic process.

These acidic bodies are called ketones, and naturally occur on a milder level every time a person eats, especially with carbohydrate deficient meals. The ‘keto diet’ is in fact a very popular form of weight loss, especially when combined with sustainable keto supplements that allow you to still be able to integrate small amounts of carbohydrates into your meals.

The ketone bodies generated are used as an energy source, and during prolonged fasting or carbohydrate deficiency, ketone bodies provide the heart and skeletal muscles energy to preserve the limited glucose for use by the brain.

The abnormally high level of the acidic compounds in the blood is referred to as ketosis; the acetone component can be detected as a fruity odor to the breath and urine.

Symptoms of ketosis
• fruity breath
• fatigue
• headache
• increased thirst
• nausea
• insomnia

Ketosis is expected following bariatric surgery and is not to be confused with diabetic ketoacidosis which is clinically severe increase of acetone in the body as a result of pancreatic impairment.

While ketosis is best mitigated through increased protein and water intake to flush out the excess acetone that can result in ketotic symptoms–it’s best to talk to your doctor about your expectations post-surgery. If you’re experiencing any symptoms above, reach out and get a plan.

Stop by our shop for natural remedies to maintaining weight loss and fat burning no matter where you are in your weight loss journey.


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Paralyzed by the Flu Shot?

flu shot guillain barre

Paralyzed by the Flu Shot?

The flu shot can do more than keep you from getting influenza;

it can possibly keep you from getting up ever again.

It’s that time of year again where we see headlines featuring America’s flu shot inventory, the expected shortage, the ensuing frenzy to get signed up for your dose against death, the media induced scare tactics and lack of facilities offering them; all of this proceeded by the fatalities suffered in a slowly rising digit topping health news. We are frantically herded by media reports, medical recommendations, rushing shoulder to shoulder like cattle into the nearest flu vaccine clinic.

But do we know the risk the flu shot poses to us versus the risk of acquiring influenza if we are not vaccinated? Are we told without the duress of television induced urgency, that the flu shot is does not guarantee you won’t get the flu but that you just won’t die from it? In fact, most people don’t die from the flu itself, but influenza complications such as pneumonia. And in reality, you aren’t protected from every strain, just the most common. You feelin’ lucky?

The greatest risk during flu season may not be the flu itself, but the increased risk of developing a rare paralytic condition called Guillain Barre’s (GEE-YON BA-RAYS). Guillain Barre’s has been reported to occur more frequently following a flu vaccine injection.

Reported by Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) after a period of more than a decade, there were 503 cases of this so called “rare” condition that begins as a paralysis of the lower limbs, slowly moving its way up your body. Some people fully recover from this condition after weeks; some after years; and sadly, some do not.

So, the people that don’t get the flu shot take their chances getting the flu, the ones who do are chancing potential permanent paralysis.

Ways to Avoid Getting the Flu without the Flu Shot

There are many methods to avoid contracting communicable diseases, such as the widely available sinks in which you can wash your hands, the myriad antibacterial liquids, cough etiquette, not eating out etc. Using hand sanitizers or wearing a procedure mask are just more of the ways you can look out for your own health as well as others’ when you’re out and about.

There is an arsenal of information on the web with natural methods of fighting disease that showcase organic material with antiseptic abilities such as dead sea salt hand scrubs, and tea tree oil to name a couple.

There are also many supplements that can boost your immune system against common catching conditions; some companies are cashing in on this compiling many of the well known immune system enhancers into one pill.

The variety of supplements available to aid the immune system’s battle against the common cold and other diseases lurking on the doorknobs of every public establishment.

At Super Health Center, “Everyone has heard of vitamin C’s immune system benefits, but there are a ton of other supplements we offer that are combination supplements tailored to each individual’s needs, as well as products people don’t typically associate with disease combat.”

So before you become a victim of news-induced anxiety that has you biting your nails waiting to hear back from your doctor’s office on flu shot availability, check out your options in our shop to protect yourself from contagious disease and protect your ability to walk away (literally) from the optional flu vaccine.


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Acid Reflux: Natural Treatments

acid reflux super health center

Acid Reflux: Natural Treatments

It starts in your stomach, an insidious sizzling; a burning that doesn’t bode well for your day. Creeping up into your chest leaving a dull fiery trail in its wake and settles at the back of your throat. Acid reflux, or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) is a common affliction for people today, filling the aisles of drug stores with stomach remedies as antacids in chewable, liquid, or prescription form.

Our diets have pushed our stomach linings to their limits, and the inability to keep the acid formation at bay has troubled sufferers and the ability to enjoy the event of eating for decades.

While this is none too troubling for the pharmaceutical companies who line their pockets by such ailments, it presents a potential for a condition that is also climbing the chart of common complaints of patients worldwide.

Acid Reflux: Trouble Swallowing

When the acid in the stomach is agitating with the churning of food, it literally burns the tender cells that function to regulate the ph of the stomach. Inflammation of the tissues restricts their ability to contract and limits their function. At the level of where the stomach and esophagus meet, there is a flap that keeps food and other unwanteds where they belong called the pyloric sphincter. This flap loses its function and the acids in your stomach have free range of your delicate esophageal lining. This is the creeping feeling of cauterization that you feel after meals. The acid then wreaks havoc along the length of the esophagus every time you dine. This repeated assault of the esophagus and inflammation of tissue results in eventual narrowing of the passage where food would normally slide easily when swallowed. This then means that websites such as are required to get the relief needed from heartburn.

Especially at the base of the tongue where the narrowing begins, food can feel stuck creating a sense of choking. Esophageal constriction is a panic inducing event that prevents the enjoyment of eating for fear of choking. Many people who experience this event also describe their inability to swallow pills at all, forsaking their vitamin intake for the fear it has instilled. Some research has suggested the unforgiving form of a pill makes it difficult to finagle through the narrowed opening; other studies claim that the coating of a pill triggers a spasm as a result of chemical interaction with the destroyed tissue. This inability to maintain nutrient levels may contribute to the condition, inhibiting the body’s ability to heal without the necessary tools it needs.

Acid Reflux: Natural Treatments

There are a number of foods you can eat (and avoid) to help with acid reflux. The foods to target are high alkaline foods such as:

  • Bananas
  • Milk
  • Yogurt
  • Licorice
  • Ginger
  • Melon

Their higher pH levels work to offset the acid levels in your stomach–some say. Others say very acidic foods like lemons and apple cider vinegar will make your stomach more acidic so it can burn up what’s sitting in your gut.

Some herbs recommended are:

  • Angelica
  • Caraway
  • Clown’s mustard plant
  • German chamomile
  • Greater celandine
  • Lemon balm
  • Milk thistle

How to Prevent Acid Reflux

There are some foods and habits that trigger heartburn. Avoid these:

  • Citrus fruits
  • High-fat foods
  • Caffeine
  • Soda
  • Chocolate
  • Large meals
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol

Finally, there are over the counter medications you can take, but beware, recent news has shown the side effects include loss of hearing and cancer. Talk to your doctor first before starting any treatment.

Ready to take back control of your stomach? Come cybershop the windows of this store and get the information you need to get back on track.

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Iodine Deficiency Symptoms

iodine deficiency super health center

Iodine Deficiency and Symptoms

Many people are under the misconception that iodine deficiency is a condition of the past that is most often associated with cretinism and goiters, or increased growth of the thyroid gland often depicted in images as a grotesque monstrosity hanging from the base of the neck.

The prevalence was capped with the addition of iodine to table salt and so these once common conditions are often scoffed at as a possibility behind metabolic dysfunction, specifically thyroid dysfunction and decreased metabolism.

Iodine is a necessary precursor to the formation of thyroid hormones that regulate calcium levels in the body, body temperature, and also impacts hair, skin, menstrual cycles, and most importantly, metabolism.

Decreased iodine deficiency directly impacts the function and ability of the thyroid to produce adequate amounts of the hormone needed to maintain metabolic thermogenesis and fat oxidation.

This results in a condition known as hypothyroidism, or low functioning thyroid. The symptoms associated with iodine deficiency also reflect thyroid dysfunction and include fatigue, inability to tolerate the cold, dry skin, hair loss, weight gain and fatigue.

Since the thyroid is responsible for so many functions that determine metabolism, the fatigue associated with decreased function contributes further to the increased propensity to gain weight, making it difficult for some people to find the motivation to become more active to offset the thyroid’s block against weight loss.

The apparent increase in iodine deficiency may be linked to and increased awareness for healthy eating, including organic foods that are grown in iodine deficient soil to meet organic standards, and natural salt or sea salt used for seasoning, which is not fortified with iodine.

There are many sources of iodine with which to deliver this mineral through diet or supplements, including foods, and dietary supplements in liquid or pill form. For more information on mineral deficiencies and available products, visit our shop.